The documentary was pretty good. I feel like it was made just to save some face after Silva's perplexing and disappointing performance in Abu Dhabi. Sidenote: Silva was dominant in that victory. But my main take away from the documentary was a fable that Diogenes Assihida, Silva's Muay Thai coach, told. It went something like this:
There once was a bird who was flying off to discover new land. When he found the new land it was freezing cold. The bird fell from the sky and froze into an ice cube. One day a cow came along and pooped on the bird. The heat melted the birds icy confines and the bird awoke. A distant cat heard the bird struggling and came over. The cat pulled the bird out of the poo and ate him.
The moral of the story: Not everyone who poops on you is your enemy and not everyone who pulls you out of the poop is your friend.
When you finish laughing, think about it.
Just Joe