Sunday, May 22, 2011

Million Dollar Idea Stolen

So get this…

Winter, Many Moons Ago:  There was a particular day where I had become so cold that I began shivering. I know, I know. “Who shivers in Florida?” But I got to thinking about physiology for some reason and I told myself, “At least you’re burning calories.” To be certain I ran it by my buddy who is a doctor. He confirmed that if body temperature drops, the body will burn calories to maintain warmth. So facetiously I commented that I should just stay cold 24/7 then I wouldn’t have to work out or even diet to lose weight! We then joked about the concept and how ridiculous it would be for someone to do this.

April, 2011:  I was in bed late one night listening to my TV while I was in between awake and asleep when I hear a local news tease: “How ice baths can help with weight loss. Tonight at 11.” Much like my Be Like Water moment, I thought, “Did I hear that right?” Unable to tolerate the local newscast, I woke up the next morning and “search engined” “ice bath weight loss.” Results… 37,100. First result: “The Dr. Oz Show!”  In the couple of seconds it took to click on the link, I talked myself down from being angry at some joker making money – big money – off of an idea that I could have used to do the same.

Turns out that some guy (I just can't bring myself to advertise for him) has introduced ice bathing several times per week to accelerate weight loss. Actually, it’s the main strategy of this regimen. By lowering core body temperature, the body burns fat to release the calories necessary for stabilizing body temperature. Sounds vaguely familiar! AND YouTube is littered with video testimonials of how well it works!!

So it turns out that I may have a mind for ideas but I continually overestimate people’s ability to reason. That is, I can’t seem to get it through my thick skull that “there is a sucker born every minute ”; especially when it comes to no effort weight loss.

Just Joe

PS  I may have overstated the "stolen idea" accusation since knowledge of basic physiology is hardly patented but hey, you read it! 

NEXT WEEK:   So Tired of the Left

1 comment:

  1. Good to know, I've never heard about this. So, no more hot showers, switching to cold!
