Sunday, July 10, 2011

Story Time with Grampa Joe: My First X Games

Chicago Suburbs, Summer of 1983:  Way too short shorts worn with tube socks stretched to the brink of failure was all the rage.

My 8 year old friends and I were finally comfortable enough riding our bikes that we decided to introduce a rickety ramp into the equation. We began by simply riding over the ramp -- our front tires landed before our back tires. But pretty soon I noticed that one of my friends was catching enough air that both of his tires were landing at the same time! Evel Knieval he was! I picked his brain to learn his technique:

"Just go fast and pull up on the handlebars at the last second."

Easy enough. I started back a bit further than before and got up to full speed. I hit the ramp and at the last moment I pulled up on my handlebars for all I was worth. The next thing I knew I was soaring through the air. If I would have had a front basket with an alien in it, I could have been a movie poster! OK, so I wouldn't have medalled at the X Games but I did end up clearing the width of a two car driveway. Unfortunately, having never done this before, I wasn't nearly prepared for the landing force. On the bright side, my ribs didn't cave in when they met the handlebars. Upon being laid out in the grass swail, I realized two things: 1) my friends were rushing over to congratulate me on my brief flight and 2) I couldn't breathe. The wind was knocked out of me and my vision began to tunnel. The next thing I knew I was waking up on the sofa in our family room asking my mom how I got there.

Ft. Lauderdale Suburbs, Summer of 2011:  Justin Bieber and "planking" were all the rage.

I was recounting this story with my mom when a question came to mind. So I asked, "Hey, Ma, why didn't you take your unconscious son to the hospital?" The answer was a shrug and, "I dunno." I had to chuckle as I considered how hysterical most mothers, including mine, would be today in the same situation. I mean, an unconscious kid after a bike accident could have dozens of serious issues. I guess sometimes moms just know!

Just Joe

NEXT WEEK:  Miracle Fruit


  1. I feel old.

    I didn't even know what Planking was. I had to follow your Wiki link. I found myslef saying "why can't kids just be normal anymore??" And that's when I realized how old I've become. Thanks, Joe! ;)

  2. Well, I'm glad to be able to keep you old fogies up to date on pop culture! :-) And if you think planking is young, dumb and stupid, just wait 15 years until your own kid is a teenager!! ;-) Better get a deadbolt on that bedroom door.
